Text Looking at SD from this point of view a lot of projects seem to be detached from the present existing in their own speculative bubble out of language beliefs or ideas somewhere in the future This strategic placement makes difficult any meaningful way
Looking at SD from this point of view, a lot of projects seem to be detached from the present, existing in their own speculative bubble (out of language, beliefs or ideas), somewhere in the future. This strategic placement makes difficult any meaningful way of direct engagement and subordinates them to a reflexive standpoint.
Text Barad adopts Haraways diffractive viewpoint within her Agencial Realism suggesting that a diffractive methodology can provide a better understating and a deeper insight to the worlds entanglements Her diffractive methodology is therefore to be seen a
Barad adopts Haraway’s diffractive viewpoint within her Agencial Realism, suggesting that a diffractive methodology can provide a better understating and a deeper insight to the world’s entanglements. Her diffractive methodology is therefore to be seen as a critical practice of engagement that allows us to learn about how phenomena come to matter and how they participate in the ongoing reconfigurings the world.
Text Donna Haraway found a substitute to the metaphor of reflection in the phenomenon of diffraction Diffraction is a physical phenomenon exhibited by waves as they pass through an aperture or around objects A classical example of diffraction would be the
Donna Haraway found a substitute to the metaphor of reflection in the phenomenon of diffraction. Diffraction is a physical phenomenon exhibited by waves, as they pass through an aperture or around objects. A classical example of diffraction would be the water ripples that occur when throwing a pebble in a pond. For Haraway “[…] diffraction patterns record the history of interaction, interference, reinforcement, difference. Diffraction is about heterogeneous history, not about originals.
Text Representationalism has constantly been contested by posthumanists as it takes for granted the idea that representations reflect social or natural reality and mediate the relation between presence and representation and in so doing they submit though
Representationalism has constantly been contested by post-humanists, as it takes for granted the idea that representations reflect (social or natural) reality and mediate the relation between presence and representation, and in so doing they submit thought to a proper relation to an outside rather than to a direct engagement with it.