
The Dynamic Archive

created and organized  by

Prof. Dr. Andrea Sick (Professor for Theory in Media and Culture, HfK)

Researcher, curator and project manager: Irena Kukric


Projektpartner: Prof. Dennis P Paul (Professor for Interaction and Spaciality, HfK)

Suppoordination:  Jan Charzinski 

Student Assistant: Marcela Antipán Olate

Webapplication of the Dynamic Archive developed by: Studio TheGreenEyl with Studio Rocani 


Hosted by:

The University of the Arts Bremen (HfK) 

In cooperation with:

Schwankhalle Bremen (Space for experimental Theatre, Artistic Director: Dr. Pirkko Husmann)

EdithRuss Haus für Medienkunst Oldenburg (Exhipitionspace for MediaArt, Artistic Director: Edit Molnar und Marcel Schwerin) 

HEC GmbH IT-Engeneering Bremen (Executive Directors Thorsten Haase)


Funded by:

Senator für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit und Verbraucher Bremen



(Video)Documentation of the conference from The Dynamic Archive (2018)




 All components and works in The Dynamic Archive reserve the copyright licensed under a Creative Commons license