Text Barad adopts Haraways diffractive viewpoint within her Agencial Realism suggesting that a diffractive methodology can provide a better understating and a deeper insight to the worlds entanglements Her diffractive methodology is therefore to be seen a

Iulia Radu
Submitted by iulia on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 23:41

Barad adopts Haraway’s diffractive viewpoint within her Agencial Realism, suggesting that a diffractive methodology can provide a better understating and a deeper insight to the world’s entanglements. Her diffractive methodology is therefore to be seen as a critical practice of engagement that allows us to learn about how phenomena come to matter and how they participate in the ongoing reconfigurings the world. Barad also points out how “making knowledge is not simply about making facts, but about making worlds, or rather, it is about making specific worldly configurations - not in the sense of making them up ex nihilo, or out of language, beliefs or ideas, but in the sense of materially engaging as part of the world in giving it specific material form.” 

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