Research- and Transferproject
Research- and Transferproject
The Dynamic Archive
created and organized by
Prof. Dr. Andrea Sick (Professor for Theory in Media and Culture, HfK)
Researcher, curator and project manager: Irena Kukric
Projektpartner: Prof. Dennis P Paul (Professor for Interaction and Spaciality, HfK)
Suppoordination: Jan Charzinski
Current Student Assistant: Marcela Antipán Olate
Former Student Assistants: Müge Pelin Sen, Gabriela Valdespino, Ivett Kállai, Nilya Musaeva, Jimmy Dao Sheng Liu, Noelle Millicent BuAbbud, Jiawen Yao, Guida Ribeiro, Iulia Miruna Radu, Farzad Golghasemi Sorkhabi, Manana Kobakhidze, Aysegül Seyhan
Webapplication of the Dynamic Archive by: Studio TheGreenEyl
Frontend Development by: Studio Rocani
Backend powered by Drupal
Hosted by:
The University of the Arts Bremen (HfK)
Cooperations since 2018 with:
Schwankhalle Bremen (space for experimental theatre, Artistic Director: Dr. Pirkko Husemann)
Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst Oldenburg (Exhibition space for Media Art, Artistic Directors: Edit Molnár & Marcel Schwierin)
CIRCA 106 (Centrum for international Research and Collaborative Art, Bismarckstr. 106. 28203 Bremen)
HEC IT-Engineering Bremen GmbH (Executive Director: Thorsten Haase)
Funded by:
Senatorin für Wissenschaft und Häfen
All components and works in The Dynamic Archive reserve the copyright licensed under a Creative Commons license