the dynamic archive manifesto

Irena Kukrić
Submitted by irena on Sun, 08/25/2019 - 19:16



The Dynamic Archive.


The Dynamic Archive
aggregates components
that are being produced,
that appear to be open to sorting,
that undergo constant evolution,
that are associated with the arts, design and theory,
that are always specific in their application,
that are variations.


The Dynamic Archive
recaps processes of action,
turns principles into deeds,
invents structures,
puts notations on file,
transforms conversations
into components.


The Dynamic Archive
delegates action,
turns rules into a carnivalesque spectacle,
presents frameworks,
celebrates concepts,
enable collaborative structures,
inscribes procedures,
promises reading processes,
creates versions.


The Dynamic Archive
does not give credence to an original,
connects components and their nodes to existing structures,
initiates flexible, generative productions,
evolves in use,


The Dynamic Archive
is a tool,
is a collection,
is an instigator,
is a technique,
is a generator,
of the »native material«.


The Dynamic Archive
puts hierarchies and power structures up for discussion,
puts decentralized forms of organization to a test,
runs counter to economic principles and interests,
acts as a center for mediation,
yet is never self explanatory,
and never aims to be that way.


The Dynamic Archive
initiates conversations and debate,
risks ever new explanations and performances,
questions authorship,
publicizes inventions without patents,
works on strategies of »open source« as a model,
acts conscious of being tasked to form a critique.


In this fashion
it can not come to an end
as long as it is in use.


In this fashion
it will be intra-active,
complex and only susceptible to control intermittently,
and it would never be random.


The Dynamic Archive is
and fiction at the same time.


