Text After finishing my art studies a period of applications for residencies and other promises for artists followed The wait for any answer led me to a state of eagerness where I constantly opened my email waiting for news I realized that the eflux newsl

Diogo da Cruz
Submitted by diogogomescruz on Wed, 05/06/2020 - 13:32

After finishing my art studies, a period of applications for residencies and other promises for artists followed. The wait for any answer led me to a state of eagerness, where I constantly opened my email waiting for news. I realized that the e-flux newsletter was the only constant presence, which showed me other artists' careers being celebrated, and an abysmal set of cultural events that I will never have the opportunity to visit.

Realizing that it's possible to reply to these emails (apparently it's not a no-reply email, so a reply is actually sent) I developed in 2017 a one-way love relationship. For 7 days, ending on Valentine's Day, I answered all the e-flux newsletters, in a crescendo of dependence and frustration in this short affair.

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