A virtual take on physical Labor

Willy Sengewald
Submitted by willy on Mon, 04/20/2020 - 12:16
a videopodcast
Date Display Value
published online on 20.3. at 19h / exhibition in the gallery is postponed to fall

The first response regarding the exhibitions in the Version Room in Circa106 is from Guida Ribeiro and Leon Lothschütz.

It is  a videopodcast:A virtual take on physical Labor“.

(conversation between Guida Ribeiro, Leon Lothschütz, Aria Farajnezhad, Victor Artiga Rodriguez and Irena Kukric)

*This is Guida's and Leon's digital response to the delay of the exhibition due to COVID-19. The actual exhibition in the gallery space  is postponed to fall.



You can find their component and version in our archive below.
