Solar Sound Modul

I developed the solarsoundmodule in 1996. It’s a simple analogue circuit an attached piezo speaker and a small solarpanel. The module generates tiny and various sound pattern which sometimes reminds you to birds or insect sounds. The kind of sound and the intensity depends on the amount of light that touches the surface. Every module is special and unique and it’s impossible to build exact equal modules. The solarsoundmodule starts in the morning with the first sunbeams and stops in the evening. It will work several decades. 

Created on
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 20:23
Changed on
Thu, 10/10/2019 - 15:05
More about the Work

Solar Sound Modul

Text: The solar sound module circuit is designed with a Hex Inverter IC (Schmitt Trigger Type 74HC14). Every oscillator is assembled with two inverters, one resistor and one capacitor. The finished module has three oscillators, which compete for the unbuf

Ralf Schreiber
Submitted by ralf-s on Thu, 05/30/2019 - 20:24

The solar sound module circuit is designed with a Hex Inverter IC (Schmitt Trigger Type 74HC14). Every oscillator is assembled with two inverters, one resistor and one capacitor. The finished module has three oscillators, which compete for the unbuffered, lack energy of the solar cells. The variable sound pattern represent the internal astable switching conditions. The sounds are experimentally adjusted with alligator clips and different resistance and condenser values. The low energetic circuit concept permits this experimental approach.

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Text: Pursue the step-by-step construction plan.Start with the following values:Resistors: 1 x 10K (10 Kilo ohm), 1 x 1 K, 1 x 100 Ohm.Capacitors: 3 x 10 µF.The sound variety of the modules is very wide, they can chirp, whistle, buzz or sweep.For a grea

Ralf Schreiber
Submitted by ralf-s on Thu, 05/30/2019 - 20:25

Pursue the step-by-step construction plan.

Start with the following values:

Resistors: 1 x 10K (10 Kilo ohm), 1 x 1 K, 1 x 100 Ohm.

Capacitors: 3 x 10 µF.

The sound variety of the modules is very wide, they can chirp, whistle, buzz or sweep.

For a great variety of sounds and sound diversity you need to experiment for a while.

You can use different 74HC14 types and change the values.

Furthermore you can fit additional parts like diodes, resistors, potentiometer, piezos, solarcells, photodiodes or capacitors.

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Ralf Schreiber
Submitted by ralf-s on Thu, 05/30/2019 - 20:35
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