What is "the script"?
Creators, Jamie and Angela, developed an original script for an imagined event that invites participants to reflect on the question: “How do I keep myself safe while giving myself the freedom to explore?”
Who is it for?
This script may be used and adapted by people who are interested in facilitating a group reflection on questions around navigating uncertainty and/or feelings of safety in relation to freedom to express/explore. Please note that every situation in which this script may be used will be different. We encourage you to adapt the script to reflect your group's needs and interests. A few examples of contexts that may be interested in using or adapting this script may be:
- A workspace that is navigating a large transition like a boss leaving, or a team restructuring
- A community organization interested in developing new interpersonal relations on a foundation of exploration and critical reflection
- A classroom experiencing identity-based social tensions
- A local city council interested in developing new patterns of communication among council members built on a foundation of exploration and critical reflection
- A dance artist interested in investigating edges and boundaries of safety and freedom in a performance context
What do I need to facilitate this script with my community of interest?
We have written the script for two facilitators. You are welcome to adapt this for use by one facilitator, or any number of facilitators. At the beginning of our script, we provide a starting point for thinking about spatial and material items that you may need to facilitate this script. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about what you may need to prepare to facilitate this script.
Can I adapt this script?
Yes please! We encourage you to adapt this script to your community's needs and interests.
Who are Jamie and Angela?
Jamie and Angela met in 2010 when Angela danced in a piece that Jamie choreographed. They reconnected in October 2020 during a virtual session for Angela's doctoral research investigating how movement scores and movement improvisation as methods invite access to different types of information and knowledge than methods conventionally used in Information Science. During that session we engaged in a movement score-based exchange.
Our initial October meeting led to a series of conversations starting in June 2021 during which we discussed the questions: what is the knowledge that we co-produce? How might we/do we share that knowledge with others? From those conversations emerged this script (or score) designed to both share Jamie and Angela's co-produced knowledge and invite others into a continued co-production of knowledge about the question: “How do I keep myself safe while giving myself the freedom to explore?” To learn more about Jamie and Angela, visit their websites at: www.thejamiegarcia.com and www.angelaschopke.com.
What if I have other questions?